Special circumstances: three board and trains in house plus Harley boarding (who Shana likes and plays with, but even her good friends can stress her out when there are totally strange dogs in the house or dogs who have been here less than two weeks)
Assumed equipment: electronic collar, crate, food rewards
Activity level: Was not written down
- Quiet in crate got 3 (out of 6) 5 minute quiet events that could be food rewarded. Did not write down what equipment was used. I am going to assume she had an electronic collar on, which I would just vibrate in this instance. Not positive though, since I did not bother to write it down. Had there been no electronic collar used, this would be super good.
Notes on My handling: I need to remember to mark down equipment and activity level during the day. If she did not happen to be wearing her ecollar (which is possible) this would be great progress instead of the same.
4/11/2019 Week 5 Day 2 Thursday:
Special Circumstances: Same as above, but Harley (who Shana likes and plays with, but even her good friends can stress her out when there are totally strange dogs in the house or dogs who have been here less than two weeks) arrived today for boarding.
Assumed equipment: electronic collar, muzzle, leash, probably treats but I don't think I used them.
Activity level: Not sure but her best buddies were here, so I am assuming very much running and play.
- Pack heel in driveway with Boarders, Daycare, Sharpie, and our dogs. 30 minutes She did great and looked happy and comfortable. Loose body language. Harley, a boarding client that Shana does know, had not arrived yet.
- Quiet in crate (once Harley arrived) 30 minutes She did 5 treats or 5 five minute instances of quiet that got rewarded. She did give toothy grin to Harley once or twice.
Notes on My handling: I need to remember to mark down equipment and activity level during the day. If she did not happen to be wearing her ecollar (which is possible) this would be great progress instead of the same.
4/12/2019 Week 5 Day 3 Friday:
NOTHING NOTED Very possible that I intentionally gave Shana the day off due to new stress. She can see everything through the mudroom door.
4/13/2019 Week 5 Day 4 Saturday:
Special circumstances: Arrival of two new dogs yesterday (Lemmy and Brandy) who are completely unknown to us or our household.
Equipment: Muzzle, Leash, Food (no ecollar)
Activity level: Vigorous ball play, a couple of sessions this day.
- Warm up 5 minutes heeling around dog room until she was more settled. I believe she did well, except for a couple of barks and no attempted lunging. Everyone else but Boris and Harley were in crates.
- Sit on the dog the official way not my modified leash associated behavior enhancement (may need to find a better acronym or name with this) . So no actual input from me, all her. Barked at the beginning for 3 minutes. Started again from the 7th minute to the 11th minute. Started again from the 13th minute to the 15th minute. Started again from the 20th minute to the 25th minute. Quiet from then until the 30th minute.
- Sends to place for 15 minutes (I do work at the end to replace her feelings of dread being in a room with strange dogs to her being happy). Shana loves to work and she very enthusiastically jumped on her places in front of all the dogs. So much so that her and the place would go flying across the room.
- Stay on place for 15 minutes. This is harder work for her, but she still loves it.
- Ball play in room for a few minutes with her and Boris, and then we took it outside (basically big reward and replacing her dread of the room to having fun in it without having to worry about other dogs. 30 minutes
NOTES ON ME: Good job in documenting equipment used and activity level for the day.
4/14/2019 Week 5 Day 5 Sunday:
Special Circumstances: Same as above
Equipment: Toy
Activity Level: Did not write down
- Hide and seek game with Shana and Boris (Tommy uninterested). This works the stay, impulse control, and find command. 30 minutes
NOTES ON ME: I sucked today. No good notes or notations.
4/15/2019 Week 5 Day 6 Monday:
Special circumstances: Lucy, Shana's arch nemesis, in the house and visible behind mudroom door.
Equipment: Banana, and I am assuming ecollar was on but not necessarily used.
Activity Level: I did not notate, but I am thinking Shana would not have performed so well had she not been out for a vigorous game of ball.
- Out of sight downs for 5 minutes a piece 35 minutes Banana (Shana high value item) was reward for each successful one (so she would have gotten four pieces).
NOTES ON ME: still sub par on the notation of things.
4/16/2019 Week Day 7 Tuesday:
Special circumstances: Same just no Lucy.
Equipment: Ecollar, treats, leash, chuck it and balls (not for the heeling work in dog room obviously)
Activity Level: Chuck it play with Reggie for 30 minutes (also a training session)
- Fuss (focused heeling) in dog room, including heeling backwards 30 minutes Five minutes in tried to do a sustained bark at Brandy, but was corrected on ecollar. Twenty minutes in, barked at friend, Harley, just once. He was following us, and Brandy + Lemmy in crates were making her worried.
- Out, Down, Drop, Leave It, Spin, and Roll over all worked during chuck it game with Reggie. 30 minutes
NOTES ON ME: I need also to practice more frequently on the newer stuff especially (weave, leash pressure for pinky like handling, hold item while walking, stay commands and hold commands in public) Since we are doing so much, I need to organize my training plan a bit better. Tough I did state the behavioral aspect does take top priority, which is where most of the work is going now. The other stuff is not AS important, but still important to Shana's development.