Cujo (very good friend), Bandit (very good friend), Stella (friend), Brody (very good friend), and Lucy (nemesis) are here today. Shana woke up raring to go and very vocal this morning. She knew when Lucy got here, but has been in very good mood (though you can still tell she is stressed when Lucy is here)
- Couch to 5k with me through the neighborhood 22 minutes
- Frisbee and place while getting frisbee 3 minute place and 5 minute frisbee action with long throws and temp rising
Week 15 Day 2 6/25/2019 Tuesday:
Greta (new), Sadie the 4th (new), and Reggie BFF here
- Stay in front foyer until released, then fetch pink ball out side, return, drop and back to foyer stay reps. 30 minutes
Week 15 Day 3 6/26/2019 Wednesday:
Greta (new), Sadie the 4th (new), and no other friends or daycare here. Equipment none on, and was in good mood. She did snip at her brother, Tommy, this morning (no biggy just being a jerk).
- Out of sight stays for 5 minutes. First three were perfect, broke 4th and 5th rep when I went into mudroom with new dog, Sadie the 4th. 1 hour of these until I got the four in a row that I wanted.
- Activity: Frisbee done in two sessions of one 10 minutes and one 15 minutes (warm out so shorter sessions). Half and hour of relaxation with Brothers in the shade in between. 55 minutes
Week 15 Day 4 6/27/2019 Thursday:
Greta (newish), Sadie the 4th (new), Sadie the 2nd (BFF), Louie (good friend), and Reggie (BFF)
- Day off, I just let her enjoy her friends. If I remember correctly (did not write it down), I think she was pretty tired on this day, and did not really play with her friends. Not sure though.
Week 15 Day 5 6/28/2019 Friday:
Mudge (brand spanking new dog), Bandit (bff), Boone (bff), and Cujo (bff)
- Day off again, she still seemed tired and worn. It has been stressful with the influx of new dogs to train for her.
- Bike ride with new bike attachment for Shana. Rough start checking it out. 30 minutes
Week 15 Day 7 6/30/2019 Sunday:
- Couch to 5k with Shana (did not mark down any problems) 25 minutes