Past blog links to Shana can be found on the following:
Team Shana goals (of which I am a member):
- (Behavioral) Increased confidence and calmness in strange places, crowds, and around little known or strange dogs. End goal for this year, to be able to walk with a much more comfortable dog on a crowded beach in the summer (at least on leash and on muzzle).
- (Obedience) Polishing up position and time performed. Also always, increasing distractions where she can work reliably on leash at least. End goal is increasing my skills at being able to consistently and concisely teach and communicate what I want to my dog AND recognize when I am working at odds with myself.
- (Behavioral and fun) Continue to increase Shana's repertoire and ability to perform tricks in multiple areas and environments. New tricks started are weave, fetch metal items, and touch things like light switches (hope not to regret this one lol).
- (Behavioral and fun) Trick training certificates for us.
- (Obedience and behavioral done) Very long term and not necessary goal is to be able to compete in obedience competition, however we are always working these as if we will be able to get the behavioral component to do this as it needs to be.
- (Obedience and LT Potential Goal) Retrain stand and sit for new AKC standards and also look into changes for stay.
- (Obedience) Need to work on the quiet command. I have not actually been keeping up on this with Shana the last few years or so.
- (Obedience and Behavior regarding Impulse Control) Work on advancing out and leave it command in training and everyday life. Especially in games where her drive is high.
- During first long down in bedroom Ziggy stationed near by (she likes to boss him), she can hear Lucy through baby monitor (she hates Lucy), and Robert coming in and out of closed door in bedroom.
- Also two dogs in dog room side house that are infrequent or new (Sally and Hank). We don't bring Shana to that side when Lucy is here, as it is too stressful for her at this time even if one or both of them was crated. Lucy only comes once a week.
Handler (that means me) errors during training:
- During 5 minute long downs, forgot to set to timer so it would alert me when up. Instead used stop watch and forgot to check. Shana would have made five minutes on those initial ones.
- When I was practicing her recall from the penned in area (where she can see Lucy in the window), I brought her out without a leash. Would have been better and far more productive if I had started with the leash from the beginning. I did ultimately fix this error.
Shana work for 3/11/2019:
- (Behavioral with Obedience) 10:30 am-11:10 am: Working for long down 5 minutes in bedroom. Completed one through command to release cleanly.
- (Behavioral with Obedience)11:10 am-11:30 am: Fuss through house (on leash) until ignoring the fact that Lucy is on the dog side. Then out to the pen to bathroom and then recall away from trying to peek at Lucy. Shana did okay, still very apparent the difference and anxiety when Lucy is hear (or a strange dog).
- (Behavioral with Obedience) 6:00-6:30 finished up three four down stays in a row for five minutes using tug as a reward and working from bedroom with our dogs out (Sally in dog room, who is not concerning Shana too much). Our other dogs loose through the house as we worked.
- Focused heel w/ auto sit (not off leash in general public due to behavioral issues being worked out regarding strange dogs...same with all following)
- Figure 8 heel
- Stand (not done with strangers examining yet)
- Recall
- Sit stay
- Down Stay
- Place (not in any obedience competitions
- Over jump
- Fetch and fetch over jump (haven't practiced over regulation jump---just my pvc break away jump)
- Quiet, Leave it and out (not per say in any obedience competitions but that would be an implied part of performance, and handy in real life as well).
- Stay out of sight (was in Open not sure anymore)
- Sit out of motion (not sure this is in any obedience competition)
- Down out of motion (not sure this is in any obedience competition)
- Drop during recall (Open)
- Broad jump (Open)
- Article Retrieve (Utility)
- Stand out of motion (Utility?)
- Speak
- Spin
- Roll Over
- Huggies
- Through
- Weave (just started recently)
- Touch (want her to target things other than me now, that has not been started as yet)
- Find or Where
- Want to complete a routine with these that looks polished
- Go
- Backwards Heel
- Orbit or circle
- Jump or place onto my back
- Jump into my arms (something I could advance huggie for)
- Drop item into basket
- Army crawl
- Carry basket with something in it
- Sit on the dog as Margot Woods designed
- Steps I have added to sit on the dog (1. treat when quiet and calm for five minutes 2. allow for vibration of ecollar or stim if she is doing not allowed activities and looks like she is digging in in some environments.
- Revisit conditioned relaxation
- Use of place obedience command and stays
- Use of movement and quickness of response when out and about (and me practicing that quickness as well).
- Capping