The reasons for this are many. There are scientific terms and definitions, there are method terms and definitions, and there are words that are very general and encompass a broad spectrum of possibilities.
Early on, I made myself a glossary of dog training terms that are the meanings as I understand them to be per my prior experience and training. It does not mean someone else's other definition is wrong! It is just nice to understand what each other's definition is, and what your own personal definition is. Sometimes two people are saying the same thing, but arguing about it due to the misunderstanding of what each person is actually trying to say. I give to you my personal glossary of dog training terms:
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Aggression ( I tend to untangle my definition from overlapping with fear or dominant as to the best of my ability) A canine with the confidence of forward moving action in order to further a goal. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Associative Learning-As per wikipedia "Associative learning is the process by which an element is learned through association with a separate, pre-occurring element." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Behavior Modification In dog training this is a series of steps and exercises that seek to improve a behavior in the domesticated canine that is seen as unsuitable to the human family or handler's purpose. (IE being a pet dog, a police dog, a therapy dog and so on) IMO the possibility of behavior modification is greatly enhanced by the knowledge of dog training, and in most cases I feel dog training is necessary to communicate to the dog in order to get to behavior modification practices. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Bribe-Relying on constant rewards (usually readily handy like treats or toys) to get the performance of a command. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Bridge-Transferring a reward like a treat to a noise like the noise of a clicker in it's place (much of the time). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Coddling A human behavior which seeks to give comfort to the dog. However, this is comfort done wrong, inadvertently instead reinforcing a fearful or unwanted behavior. With coddling, a behavior gets worse instead of better. Example: I used to crawl in the closet with my thunder fearful dog, Jazz. Instead of getting calmer about thunder, she got worse and worse. Finally, when I began looking into dog training as a career in 2003, I was explained that not doing that, and instead going about the house as if nothing was amiss would help her more. I did that, and her phobia about thunder became less and less. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Conditioning-Per the free dictionary-"a learning process in which an organism's behavior becomes dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment."
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Correction-A way of firming up a performance that is not quite right or is wrong. Body movements for a sit in line with handler position, or a leash and collar correction for non compliance are just one of the very many different ways to correct. Dangerous Dog-A dog that attacked or killed a person or animal without provocation, or repeatedly threatened to attack or chased a person or animal. |
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Diversion-Using another stimulus to divert a dog from the wrong action. This is somewhat related to the definition of trade. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Dog Training The practice of teaching a way of communication to and for the canine/human relationship to work optimally. IMO dog training in most cases (except the most bomb proof of dogs) requires many elements of behavior modification as well. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Dominant The behavior of confidently or with extreme willfulness to seek to control resources. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Drive-The level of desire for something which results in a behavior. Drive Classifications (sometimes these are called positive or negative drives by some trainers, I think they all have a use and a place with dogs that can be either depending on the situation):
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Fear (as defined by some dog trainers) Fearful behavior is generally the backward movement (not confident) of a dog away from the feared stimulus, perhaps until they are cornered. When describing a dog's behavior as fearful, many trainers are talking about the defense drive. The dog wants to avoid something that it is not sure of. Normally when a trainer is talking about a fearful behavior in a dog, they are saying their is an exaggerated response to a stimulus that would otherwise be non-threatening to the general canine domesticated population. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Markers-A way to communicate to your pet that they have performed correctly or incorrectly. (IE verbal using words "no yes good", sound by a device like a clicker) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Motivation-The act of designing the circumstances in which a dog wants to and participates in learning. The energizing force that results in a behavior.
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Poisoned cue-(thought to be first used by Karen Prior) Where a perfectly useable cue was used before, but now has been "poisoned by not so nice methods". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Positive-(politically motivated and manipulated word in dog training, when the definition is so simple) Measured or moving forward or in a direction of increase or progress. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Reward-Something your dog is known to enjoy which will increase the likelihood of an action or behavior. In dog training, rewards do not happen constantly to control behavior, but are given for excellent or brand new performance. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Stimulus and Response (related to classical conditioning)
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Temperament The estimation of whether a dog is suitable or not suitable to a particular task based on observation of their responses to that stimuli. Classifications of Temperaments in Dogs:
Some people will think the following temperament descriptions indicate that a dog may be sound or unsound. Sometimes these things actually make a dog an ideal candidate for a certain task.
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Threshold and Threshold Work
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Trade-Trading something of value for a command like out or leave it. Some people rely on this to take something away from a snarky or aggressive dog that has something that they shouldn't or is dangerous to them. http://www.mainedogtrainer.com/ http://www.mainedogtrainer.com/blog/ |