LaLa Training Update: Last week should have been a full week of LaLa training with me. However, I was not feeling up to snuff, so we did not get that much training in. So I am going to count this next week as a continuation of Week 3. LaLa has been doing well in her training. Play training is still a no-go as I try to figure out if I can get LaLa into some interactive play. I try to get her involved every day, but playing with a toy with some specifically does not seem to be something she is useful. She does want to hunt critters and fast movements, so I am not giving up. One success we had was getting her to start to follow a treat in the hand. I suspect she was rewarded with treats for sitting mostly, so she was reverting to that (probably thinking that was why the treat was out). It took me a full two weeks plus to start her body in a spin. Following the hand can be a valuable training tool. |
Also, that could just be because she got diarrhea or that she is still new to the household. It is something to track if you are training with treats or food. The diarrhea has only been once this morning. I usually track that in my calendar notes.
So last week, LaLa did go on a few grand adventures with Robert instead. She went to the beach, bank, and hardware store. Those are also very valuable. LaLa was very patient with me as I slept a lot, and she snuggle a lot.
Health note for me, I was probably dehydrated (I was probably not drinking a lot if water or my allergies were still acting up. OR I am still grieving Shana, which I am. I took a pet first aid course last week, which brought some unexpected thoughts of Shana on her last day. That definitely threw me for a loop, unfortunately. I hope never to have to use any of that first aid! I will probably practice some bandaging on LaLa.
In closing, none of us are perfect. If life gets you or throws you a mild or serious curve ball, just pick what you were working on later. It is ideal if there are no interruptions, but life does not often work like that.
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Resigned Treasurer Due the Very Questionable Practices of Some of BOD National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors