Here are some noise files that I have found to collect in my Youtube playlist to help me. As I collect them, my playlist can be found on the link provided. Individually these are some files I have found to work a client's barking dog around today: Often the audio associated with the visual trigger is another component that you need to get your dog used to either ignoring or quieting when you give them your command. I like to practice my stationary commands, my quiet command, my send to and send from commands, and my moving position commands around these things. Also crate training and behavioral exercises are also great to train around these. This gets your dog used to your neighbor's moving around if you are in an apartment, my the next door neighbor's dog's noises, and the arrival of guests. It is not the whole equation, but it is a very important part of the equation.
This also decreases the time I spend hunting around for the right distraction when it is inconvenient (people not around due to weather et). So next time you are indoors and think you don't have an adequate distraction to train around, try these out.