FYI, I put my things I work on in my Google Calendar so I don't forget day to day. I don't have enough time to log into my website journal as I go along:)
- (Behavioral, fun, and quickness of performance) In dog room, we did 15 minutes of trick training and light obedience work with (not a regular) Sally, (2nd week Pack learning) Hank, (Daycare) Cujo & Bandit & Reggie, and finally (our dog) Boris. Video to be attached later.
- 30 minute place with muzzle and electronic collar on, while I worked Hank in the dog room. Very good, no breaking in place.
- Very good attitude while working the tricks. A little more nervous while doing her place, but she stuck it and did it. Just noticed that sometimes she was not as completely calm as I would like. Solution: Keep getting her used to this in behavioral exercises and outdoor adventures.
- Got a little nervous playing with Reggie (non training) in dog room while unknown dogs were around. She wanted to play and then snarked a little when Reggie reciprocated after a few minutes. Solution: bring Shana out of the environment when playing with her buddies for awhile.
- Trick training, she was very confident and into it. Work: Next step would probably be to start putting the things she is very good at in hand signals, in case I want to do freestyle dance with her in the future (or just know how to do it for future work).
- Light obedience work, my flaws in training position and precision showing through. Solutions: Watch where you are rewarding her to correct position. Also review Mike Ellis DVD on focused heeling.
- Sit out of motion, fix the fact that I have been doing bad foot work during this. Solution: Need to go back to the beginning.