Monday 1/13/2020:
- (30 minutes) First thing when Shana's best buddy, Reggie, came in the VIP section of daycare (lol our master bedroom). Place and wait for tuggy. No equipment on, but she could see tuggy. Plus we had done some tuggy exercises of come, place, and play right before Reggie came in. Her paws came off it every now and again, and a few episodes of demand barking at me to present the tuggy. Otherwise very good.
- (30 minutes) Place no equipment but Tug was in sight which she was waiting for as Reggie came into Master bedroom---Shana knew her bff was there but did good job ignoring him although there were some demand barking for tug and her front paws came off the place a few times---then she went to sleep again
- (30 minutes) Activity frisbee play with friend Reggie
- (30 minutes) Relaxation dog walk around the neighborhood---for her much calmer walk----one time I could sense her energy got more frantic and spotted a cat walking up ahead---since we haven't gotten out to walk the neighborhood for awhile, I was very pleased
Wednesday 1/15/2020:
- (40 minutes) Place in the morning after Luna came in----got up once when Robert came into room
- (30 minutes) Place and tug when Reggie came in. Released her every ten minutes to catch her tug. Did well but her front paws came off a couple of times.
- (34 minutes) 10 minute down stays on bed, stayed but demand barked on and off for the first 8 minutes of each. Only released for tig after two minutes of quiet, last rep was for 13 minutes
- (30 minutes) Activity play tug in dog room with new(er) dog, Luna, in crate. Ignored her except for a little barking at end in long down after she barked at Luna in the first place(reason for long down) did not break down although thought about it once
- (1 hour) NOTE: NOT TRAINING BUT IMPORTANT In crate while waiting for lunch and then training Luna---no equipment on for any training today btw barked for 2 1/2 minutes at Luna, went into avoidance in crate then looked up and barked for 30 seconds at 5 minute mark, back into avoidance, then at 11 minutes Tommy moved and Shana went back to barking at Luna for 1 minute and did not go back into avoidance, and then started barking again at 30 seconds later for 30 seconds, then into avoidance again-----at about 40 minutes she stopped barking for awhile watching and not in avoidance, which was 10 minutes into Lunas training, then after about 5 minutes on and off sometimes going into avoidance and other times watching
- (30 minutes) Experimenting with new equipment technique (transitional leash) and new training/behavior method (k9 lifeline) with Shana steps 1-3.
- ( 2 hours 50 minutes) NOTE: NOT TRAINING BUT IMPORTANT In crate daycare and brother Boris free around her stopped barking after about two minutes and chewing on nylabone instead, then one spontaneous bark in 30 seconds, quiet till 15 minutes in when I started working Luna---probably on and off barking for the next 15 maybe less, quiet for the next 15, then barked when I took Luna off leash very briefly, then quiet again---
- (45 minutes) Experimenting with Shana new equipment configuration (transitional leash) and method (5 steps to k9 lifeilne).