- I started the Micheal Ellis focused heeling video again, to get ideas on fixing Shana's crabby (position) heeling and make it look more polished and focused. Thing is the video is so long (which is great) that you are not likely to get through it and retain the info in one day. So this is a continuing work in process for me.
- Quiet in crate before #3. No muzzle or ecollar on and Bailey out with Boris. She of course had a harder time, but still did very well at self chilling herself. I did not notate the time this happened, sadly. The whole time was 55 minutes, and I believe I ended it with a half hour of quiet. Need to remember to notate times down to measure improvement.
- Ball play fetch and retrieve with Boris. Also primarily to make the dog room a fun place for her even in the presence of not well known dogs in the crates around her. She did great concentrating on the game, and fetching balls when they went behind the crate without need to comment to our guest dogs, even if they barked in excitement at the activity.15 minutes
- Also forgot to mark it down, but I worked a little bit with Mike Ellis leash pressure (what I could remember as I haven't gotten to that part of the tape yet). Maybe 5 minutes or so
- Heels with down out of motion and sits out of motion in living room (no ecollar or muzzle or leash), around daycare friends that Shana likes and knows well. She has been known to feel vulnerable in a down and thus defensive around friends. In the beginning, I saw a little of this when I downed her near Boone. 10 minutes Solution: Keep going with this. She is improving.
- Heels and sits later on in dog room (muzzle on) around Bailey in mudroom to accustom her before a sit on the dog. Was more interested in going after toys in crates then worried about Bailey (who is nothing to worry about of course). 10 minutes
- Sit on the dog. I set up the beginning a few times, as this is when she gets tense with a little known dog in the room, until I could sit and she would not automatically bark at any newcomers. We got four out of six rewards, which has been standard at the end of last week. First bark was when Robert came up the stairs, which is typical as she does not like to share her owners. I can't remember what caused the next. Solution: Keep it up. She is improving. 30 minutes
- Quiet in crate while I worked Bailey. I did not notate anything. I can't really remember, but I think I would if she was not quiet for that period of time. Solution: Remember to log these things.