- Heeling sits and look outside (except going through inside doors first) while Shaman and Marvel are around (she remembers Shaman, but Marvel makes her nervous). When first going through the door she tried to lunge at Shaman and she barked the one time. Other than that it went perfectly, although you could tell she was still stressed (not horribly so, but you could tell she was on edge about Marvel, who she thought Shaman was at first). Equipment was muzzle, leash, electronic collar (just used on vibrate for the one lunge attempt) 30 minutes
- Place on one side of the porch with our dogs, Marvel, and Shaman sitting with me on the other side of the porch. No problems were noted. 30 minutes
- Place, sits, lets go routine when new dog is in house (Sage's first day in pack learning) until out the door, calm, and under control. 10 minutes
- Place in kitchen where she can see me through mudroom door working with new puppy, Sage. 20 minutes
- Place with mudroom door open, "fencing" across so she can see, working with Sage on mudroom side with Cujo, Bandit, and Boris. 30 minutes
- Obedience around house while known strange dog (Sage is in). Sits, downs, heeling, come, fuss, look and so on. Did not notate any problems, which does not mean she performed perfectly. 15 minutes
- Went through calm down routine (Sage in mudroom again, Stella who she knows but has not seen in awhile is in sun room) again with Shana. When she saw Stella through the sun room, she barked at her and did barrier aggression like things. So I sent her up the stairs, downed her, called her into fuss until we could do that four times in a row without barking. 15 minutes
- That was it, but made sure she hung out with her known best buddies for a half hour in the woods crittering and having fun in a more relaxed way. She is clearly stressed by having new puppy here. Luckily we have the weekend off for her, and no surprise guests on Friday either. 30 minutes
- Chuck it with Cujo Boris and Boone. Quick drops to be thrown right away. Otherwise four tricks in a row. Plus we worked find and fetch when another dog did not bring it back. She was pretty tired today and in heat, so we did a more laid back game than the fast and furious game we usually do. Did not find one ball for me at the end (will look for it today). 30 minutes
- A lot of just relaxing with her friends on her time off today. It was a stressful week for her, so I let her take her time off. She was cheerful and very loving towards her friends today. Even as Cujo was being her shadow, she just left and did not get annoyed at him. She also hung out with him for awhile (she usually takes this oldest friend for granted). Good spirits and good mood. Not stressed at all I would say, though a bit tired. Could be because of the warmer weather.
Week 11 Day 6 6/1/2019 Saturday:
- We did something, and it looks like I did not write it down. Going to guess bike ride on leash. 60 minutes