On Monday, Shana seemed to be feeling better than last week. The day was cooler too, and her heat is wrapping up. Week 13 both of these things seemed to be bothering her, so I kept her days easy activity wise. She also seemed to have less stamina than normal (probably due to the things mentioned heat and heat LOL).
Week 14 Day 1 6/17/2019 Monday:
Shana's nemesis, Lucy, is here, which she can tell right away (sound and probably smell). Stella (friend she is cautious of), Cujo (very good long time friend), Bandit (very good friend of a couple years), Brody (good buddy of a long time), and Boone (also good buddy) are all here today. Shana did seem in a good mood, despite her anxiety (which was apparent) at Lucy being here.
- Activity, allowed a bit of running after critters (she has never been able to catch them and can be called off) in the woods with her brother, Boris. Probably one of Shana's favorite activities. 30 minutes
- Four 10 minute downs (not in a row, but substantially better) in and out of sight (meaning I was moving around and getting things). 60 minutes
- Relaxation walk with Ziggy in tow around neighborhood. 45 minutes
Week 14 Day 2 6/18/2019 Tuesday:
Greta (BRAND NEW PUPPY HERE) and Reggie were only ones here. I probably did some training with Shana, but did not write it down.
- Did not notate anything on this day
- I am guessing based on Greta's day, that Shana did place until 30 minutes gotten in kitchen while I did sit on the dog with Greta. No equipment on Shana and she was sometimes out of my sight, which will explain what comes next. 60 minutes RESULT: AT SOME POINT SHE GOT A COLLAR OFF THE COUNTER AND CHEWED IT UP. I HAD THOUGHT I HAD CAUGHT HER AT EACH BREAK, BUT SHE MUST HAVE VERY CLEVERLY GOTTEN AWAY AND THEN SHE IS REALLY FAST AT DESTROYING THINGS. THIS ALWAYS INDICATES THAT HER STRESS LEVEL IS PRETTY HIGH TOO (WHICH WOULD MAKE SENSE WITH NEW PUPPY IN THE HOUSE EVEN THOUGH SHE LOOKED OKAY WITH IT)
Week 14 Day 3 6/19/2019 Wednesday:
Only Greta in for training today (plus some private lessons).
- Long Place until we got 30 minutes in a row Equipment: she had on muzzle and electronic collar as the door to the mudroom and kitchen were open so I could see her clearly (although there was a gate across the door) 1 and a half hours RESULT: She obviously had a hard time with this exercise on this day. Although she was not intent in coming over to harass the puppy at all. She was probably trying to look for something to chew and soothe herself as she does (and it's not something appropriate). Broke at 29 minutes, 15 minutes, and five minutes. Last successful one, I did treats at each 5 minute interval...
- Activity Find it game with her brothers and sturdy rubber toy 30 minutes (also lots of inside but supervised free time, it was raining this day)
Week 14 Day 4 6/20/2019 Thursday:
Greta (brand new puppy), Reggie (Shana BFF), Sadie (Shana BFF), Louie (Shana friend), and Stella (Shana friend). Two private lessons later in the day (1 with Greta and 2 with Beau who is a brand new dog to here)
- Shana place for 30 minutes in a row as I handled dogs through mudroom door 30 minutes Equipment: ecollar muzzle because door open even though gate there RESULT: EXCELLENT SHE STUCK IT FOR THE WHOLE THIRTY MINUTES
- Brought her out to play with her friends, but she was more interested in taking it easy. She was fairly grumpy, so I just let her take it easy. Probably stress.
Cujo and Bandit here (very good friends of Shana). It was very rainy, and I let Shana take the day off after a pretty stressful week for her.
Week 14 Day 6 6/22/2019 Saturday:
I started having a super stressful weekend. Shana still not feeling like her spry self. I gave us both the day off.
Week 14 Day 7 6/23/2019 Sunday: