So then the question is, why add play training in?
- Once you have started, your dog will not want training to stop, unless you have done too much. (remember the rules on this in the first of this series).
- If your dog does not have available space to off leash exercise outside, this training style will do training, exercise, and mental stimulation in a short amount of time.
- As your training advances into impulse control and obedience, you will also (generally speaking) have a dog happy to perform and not just looking like they are happy. If you compete with your dogs at all, this is very important to you across all types of dog performance sports, including obedience.
- When done correctly, this will increase your dog's impulse control when they are in drive, which is an important time to be able to access your dog's impulse control.
- When you get into it and your dog advances, this can distract from triggers (especially during the game when done right) to change their mind about them. In other words, over time, this can change your dog's mind about the environment they are in (if it worried them at one time) and also change their mind about the inhabitants of the environment.
- Interactive play training creates a strong engagement with you in your dog and strengthens your overall relationship.
- Playing with your dog will help you understand your dog, their strategies, what makes them happy, and what makes them slow down. When you understand your dog more, you can make a training plan that is more efficient and effective.
- It is fun, and I love having fun with my dog. I love seeing her have the time of her life.
- If you are doing tug, ball or frisbee with your dog, it can double as human exercise as well. Although as you advance, your dog does more and more of the work.
- It is a creative challenge to find and design what to do in your games.
I hope you found this article intriguing and something to consider. It is not easy, but it is fun for both of you. It is not easy, because there is always a goal in dog training even if it is just extending the game at first.
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